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© Copyright 2024  by Eva Alice Rossi | All rights reserved  | VAT 02986100127 | Via Fratelli d'Italia 7 | Busto Arsizio (VA) 

Eva Alice Rossi: your point of reference for events, weddings, and bespoke style!

2024-11-25 11:07


Tips, handmade, #EventiSuMisura #Noi #MatrimoniUnici #ProgettazioneEventi #Matrimonio, #stilesumisura,

Eva Alice Rossi: your point of reference for events, weddings, and bespoke style!

Who am I and what do I do?

I organize unique events and weddings, meticulously crafted in every detail, and create personalized looks for attendees. My mission is to offer you an experience that truly speaks about you, making you special without ever making you seem like a copy of someone else.


Every solution I offer is strictly tailor-made and made in Italy, with an accessible style designed especially for you.


But I don't stop there: I create themed scenic setups to transform your spaces into extraordinary environments, perfect for both private and corporate events.


💡 Unique events and memorable setups

Whether it's a dream wedding, a high-impact corporate event, or an intimate but special party, my goal is to bring creativity, harmony, and uniqueness to every project.


🌟 Why choose me?

Impeccable organization: I guide you step by step, from the idea to the realization.

Personalized style: I not only organize but also help you choose the perfect look for every occasion.

Spectacular setups: I create scenographies that leave a mark, making your spaces unforgettable.


💖 Contact me for a consultation

Take your style and events to the next level. With passion and creativity, I am ready to create something truly special with you.

Discover how we can bring your dream event or look to life!